
搜狐焦点河源站 2021-12-25 9赞




In December 2021, Shenzhen · Galaxy Twin Towers has been awarded the certification of the “Tallest Twin Buildings of Equal Height in China” by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) which has certified the architectural top of 356m /1168ft according to its height criteria. This certification indicates the breakthrough and innovation in the dimension of super high-rise building technology of Shenzhen · Galaxy Twin Towers which refreshes the world-renowned urban skyline with its enviable height standing in the bay area, and witnesses the brand new look of the development in Shenzhen and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

世界高层建筑与都市人居学会(CTBUH)是专注于高层建筑和未来城市概念、设计、建设和运营的全球先进机构。作为“世界较高建筑”头衔授予的仲裁机构,世界排名前列高楼迪拜哈利法塔的“全球地标”奖,纽约曼哈顿432 Park Avenue“世界较高全混凝土结构建筑”认证,上海中心“2016全球较佳高层建筑”认证等,均由其颁发。

The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) is a world’s leading organization focusing on the inception, design, construction, and operation of high-rise buildings and future cities. As the arbiter that bestows title of “The World’s Tallest Building”, it has given awards to many buildings, such as “Global Icon Award” to Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building in Dubai; “Construction Award of World’s Highest Building with Exposed Concrete Structure” to 432 Park Avenue in Manhattan, New York; “Best Tall Building Worldwide 2016 Winner” to Shanghai Tower.

深圳·星河双子塔,地处深圳中轴,叠加都市核心区和高级电子信息产业集群承载区双重区位优势。 作为160万m²星河WORLD升级力作,总建筑面积逾36万㎡,由东西等高双塔组成,地上73层,涵盖高端商务办公、直升机停机坪、空中企业总部大堂、共享会议中心、员工餐厅等垂直功能,创造一座容纳近3万人工作与生活的天际立体城市。

Shenzhen · Galaxy Twin Towers locates in the central axis of Shenzhen with the dual location advantages of urban core area and world-class electronic information industry cluster. Its total construction area is more than 360,000 m². It is an upgrade project of 1.6 million m² of Galaxy WORLD, consisting of two equal-height towers of east and west with 73 floors above ground. It covers many vertical functions such as upscale business offices, helicopter parking apron, sky lobbies, shared conference centers, staff canteen, creating a three-dimensional high city for nearly 30,000 people working and living.



As a super high-rise building, Shenzhen · Galaxy Twin Towers is structurally complex and densely staffed, integrating multiple spatial supporting facilities. At the beginning of the design, it was planned a multi-dimensional hardware to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the "three-dimensional city" and enable the steady operation of the enterprises. 


In order to ensure the safety and stability of the super high-rise building, we have created a century-old foundation with the utmost requirements beyond the conventional standards - Shenzhen·Galaxy Twin Towers. The total steel consumption of the Twin Towers is 65,000 tons and equivalent to nine Eiffel Towers. Based on the calculation of 8mm diameter rebar, the amount of steel used is 59,460 kilometers, which is enough to circle the earth one and a half times.



Solid building is the foundation of everything. In order to ensure the long-term operation safety of the building, 70F tuned liquid dampers are specially designed for the East and West Twin tower to reduce the wind-induced vibration effect, with an estimated vibration reduction rate of 20%-25%, thus escorting the landmark of super bay area. So far, Shenzhen·Galaxy Twin Towers is the only super high-rise twin-towers building with dampers in Shenzhen.


Shenzhen · Galaxy Twin Towers adopts the zoned vertical transportation system to provide enterprises with fast, efficient and smooth operation services.

The east and west towers are equipped with 44 high-speed elevators each to serve 6 office zones, and each zone is equipped with 4-6 passenger elevators /2 VIP elevators /2 fire elevators to ensure the efficient operation of vertical transportation. The highest elevator speed is up to 7m/s, and the average waiting time is about 30 seconds. By using destination floor control system, the waiting time will be saved by 30% during peak hours.


Shenzhen · Galaxy Twin Towers is planned and designed according to LEED Gold and Well-Core Platinum certification standards to pursue green building and healthy office. Adopting VRV central air conditioning system and fresh air system, the fresh air volume in the office area reaches 30m³/(h·P). Employees are encouraged to eat healthily and the staff canteens pay attention to balanced nutrition. Galaxy Sports Center and the Silver Lake Mountain country park hiking trail enhance the body and mind.


Also, Shenzhen · Galaxy Twin Towers has in-depth cooperation with Tencent Cloud. It has Tencent Weling as the OS kernel and creates super high-rise buildings with leading technology and AI intelligent operation. Face recognition achieves intelligent office and intelligent management. Intelligent parking system improves the efficiency of parking lot management, bringing more convenience and fast vehicle access. AI energy management reduces enterprise energy consumption and operation and maintenance costs effectively.



Shenzhen · Galaxy Twin Towers creates a super high-rise landmark of green, healthy, intelligent and safe by using a number of innovative technologies and multi-space supporting facilities, and builds an office scene which is nature, architecture and people coexist in harmony with intelligent construction as the technical support.


At present, the roof structure of Shenzhen · Galaxy Twin Towers has been smoothly sealed.When completed in 2023, it will have the dual landmark advantages of 1.6 million m² of super bay area metropolis and China’s tallest twin buildings of equal height, attracting more than 3,000 global top enterprises to settle in and becoming a powerful engine of bay area industrial development and creating continuous value for the city.





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